January 15, 2024
Introduction # Supervisor is a useful tool that allows its users to control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. There are many use cases, and I’ll focus on using supervisor as a non-privileged user.
Configurations by root. # Suppose the tool is installed and enabled in systemd. We can show the system configuration as systemctl cat supervisor.
Below is an example:
# /lib/systemd/system/supervisor.service [Unit] Description=Supervisor process control system for UNIX Documentation=http://supervisord.
January 15, 2024
Ansible is a great tool to automate a lot of tasks on Linux boxes. In case that the tool is not available or there are too much hassle to set up the enviroment, and we want to do some simple checks of a list of Linux boxes from Windows, Linux or MacOS. I wrote a simple python script for this. The script is available at check-remote-host.py@GitHub.
The script checks only a few things:
January 14, 2024
Git repo specific username, email and ssh private key config # In some cases, it might be needed to have specific username and email for a particular repo, so as the ssh privatekey. This can be configured by editing the config file under .git directory. Here is an example of .git/config file.
[core] ... sshCommand = ssh -i /path_to_ssh_private_key ... [user] name = user_name_used_to_commit email = user_email_for_commit
January 14, 2024
Welcome # Welcome to ZXTe.